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Powder Coating Update

Update to all current and new orders with powder coating selected:

We have noticed a rise in our powder coating lead times from the shop we work with. You may or may not be aware that we do not do any of the powder coating in house. We outsource our powder coating to a local shop. 

Over the years we have worked with numerous shops local to us in Reno/Sparks, NV. We have narrowed it down to only the best shops in town to provide our customers with a top notch product from the fab work all the way to the finished coating. Well it seems word of our great powder coater has gotten around and they are busier than ever. This is great for them however while they grow the turn around time for their service has also grown. We strongly believe quality takes time and are 100% willing to wait. However you also need to be aware that powder coating times quoted under the product description may end up being longer at this time.

Please note we are not able to provide exact dates your order will return from the powder coaters. The team at the powder coating location is working around the clock to get through all their projects so please be patient. We will do our best to provide you with updates as they come.  

If you have a current order in our system and would no longer like to wait for the powder coating please email us at to get the order updated to ship bare metal. 

We appreciate your patience and support!

- The Relentless Team




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