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President's Day Sale is LIVE

COVID-19 Update

At this time we would like to let everyone know we are still continuing manufacturing of our products in accordance to the CNC and state guidelines. We continue and will continue to stay up to date on all CNC recommended guidelines as well as state/city guidelines during this time. As we know regulations are changing daily. We will continue to post any updates or necessary changes to our operations to keep our customers most up to date. 

  • Our shop is maintaining the recommended 6ft social distancing guidelines and has implemented new sanitizing techniques and frequent deep cleans to keep the workspace safe. 
  • We are not currently taking on any installations or walk ins. Customer pick ups will be prearranged with the customer with extra precautions in place to keep employees and customer safe. 
  • Currently lead times are unaffected while we continue to produce at our normal capacity. 
  • Shipments are ongoing. We have reduced our freight pick ups to once a week to help reduce any risk of COVID-19 to our employees and freight shipping company who we work very closely with. 


Powder coating: Please note powder coating is performed by another local shop. They too continue to remain open during this time. However, the volume they are able to turn around is reduced so powder coating times may be extended. 

Thank you to everyone that has reached out to ensure we are doing ok. It means the world to have our customers standing by us in these difficult times. We are all in this together! 

If you have any questions or concerns please call or email us. 

  • P: 775-200-0544
  • E: 

Stay well, 

-Team Relentless 

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